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Does KitchenMate cater to dietary preferences or restrictions?
Does KitchenMate cater to dietary preferences or restrictions?

Learn how KitchenMate can help you in making meal decisions that support your dietary preferences or restrictions

Mary Robles avatar
Written by Mary Robles
Updated over a week ago

Ingredient Lists

All hot meals and Grab n' Go items have full ingredient lists that can be found in the dish details on the App.

If you have a dietary restriction or food allergy, you should always review the ingredient list, especially as ingredients are subject to change and reformulations by the ingredient manufacturers. Read more about our Food Allergies and Intolerance Handling Procedures here.

Dietary Labelling

We have a comprehensive menu of offerings for individuals looking for plant-based recipes and meals made with halal ingredients. These are indicated by identifiers on:

  1. Aluminum pod label (for hot meals only)

  2. App menu and dish details

We also serve many dishes that exclude gluten ingredients (No Gluten Ingredients) or dairy (Dairy Free) and meet other dietary preferences. You can find these meal tags in the dish details.

Finally, priority allergens and intolerances are also listed on the aluminum pod label (for hot meals only) and in the dish details.

Labelling on your individual menu is further customized based on your allergies, intolerances, and ingredient preferences, as specified when you set up your dietary preferences. To view or update your preferences, go to your Account Settings and click on Update Dietary Preferences, or click here

Please note that we can only provide information that our manufacturers share with us. Some ingredients such as ‘flavours’, ‘herbs’, ‘spices’ are permitted to be listed without declaring their ingredients or components according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

** The above information applies MOSTLY to KitchenMate's hot meals. You may see these indicators/tags on some Grab n' Go items (sandwiches, salads, snacks, and drinks) which are produced by external vendors, but ONLY if the manufacturer has specified this on their label. We display the product information (ingredients, allergens, and nutrition information) provided to us by the manufacturers of these Grab n' Go items, but are not responsible for its accuracy.


I have a serious food allergy, intolerance, or dietary restriction. Can I use KitchenMate?

Many customers with dietary restrictions refer to our ingredient lists and labelling to make decisions around what to eat. However, after considering the information above, and depending on the severity and nature of your food allergy, intolerance, or dietary restriction, it may not be advisable to use KitchenMate and consume our meals.

Can KitchenMate accommodate diets for medical conditions?

We currently do not offer meals suited for any specific medical or therapeutic diets (ex. diabetic, hypertension, heart-healthy, anti-reflux); however, we offer a range of meals with ingredients and nutritional content to suit a variety of customer needs.

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