The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is responsible for inspecting processing and manufacturing facilities in Canada to safeguard the food that Canadians consume. The CFIA also manages the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) which includes traceability, labelling and advertising requirements for food companies and products.
Food safety within restaurants, food deliverers, and other foodservice providers is provincially regulated. Here in Ontario, these establishments must adhere to standards set out in the Ontario Food Premises Regulation (493/17) along with municipal by-laws, and are inspected by public health units. This regulatory framework is sufficient to minimize food safety issues and protect the public.
As a food provider, KitchenMate is only required to adhere to the above provincial standards and municipal by-laws, however we believe a higher level of oversight is critical to protect our customers and foster trust in our business. For this reason our production partner who produces our hot meals (packaged in aluminum pods) has invested in The Safe Quality Food Program (SQF) certification which is a third-party rigorous and credible food safety and quality program. Recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), SQF certification meets industry, customer, and regulatory requirements and covers all sectors of the food supply chain that are involved in producing KitchenMate meals.Β
With the aforementioned three types of authorities auditing and inspecting production policies and procedures annually, our food safety standards far exceed those of the majority of food providers in the country. This ensures the food we deliver to you each week is safe, traceable, and of the highest possible quality.
Note that the above information applies ONLY to KitchenMate's hot meals (packaged in aluminum pods). While we diligently vet and monitor the food safety practices of the vendors who manufacture our Grab n' Go items (sandwiches, salads, snacks, and drinks), they may be subject to different food safety standards, policies, and certifications. Please contact us if you have questions.